Jobs Well Campus

Jobs Well Campus Virtual Tour

Jobs Well Road is the main campus for art and design at the college and houses the Carmarthen School of Art. The School has a history which dates back to 1854.

About Jobs Well Campus

The campus is a purpose-built art facility and as a consequence has a unique and friendly art school ambience, dedicated to art and design activities. The campus is located next to the University of Wales: Trinity Saint David’s Carmarthen campus and shares resources with the university. The campus provides students with a wide range of facilities for activities such as stone carving, metal forging and casting, wood carving, ceramics, textiles, fashion, painting and drawing, photography, graphics and digital illustration.

There are state of the art facilities for computer-aided art and design; jacquard loom weaving; laser welding and fastening of fashion/textiles garments; and laser cutting.

The campus also houses the Henry Thomas Gallery, which is used for student and public exhibitions throughout the year and in particular is one of the venues for the faculty's large scale end of year student exhibitions. Students may also work outside and in the grounds of the campus where there are wood, stone and steel sculptures on display as well as works in progress, making it an exciting and creative place to study.

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